For the past few months I've had the privilege of working as a PCA (Personal Care Attendant) for Josiah, a two-year-old with Autism. Each week, five people come to Josiah's house at different times to help him with social skills, language, and other skills by using two specific intervention programs: the PLAY Project and the Sonrise Program. The idea behind both of these programs is surprisingly simple: play with him in a very intentional, engaging, and affirming way and he will more or less overcome his Autism.
When I started this job, I had no idea what I was getting into. I had never done substantial work with a child with Autism, and now I was expected to do therapy with a two-year-old! After spending a few hours with Josiah, however, I fell in love with his energy and inquisitiveness and had a pretty amazing revelation: I am making an incredible difference in this child's life, and I'm having a lot of fun doing it.
I believe this is what teaching is all about. When I become a teacher, it won't matter whether I remember Piaget's first name or what Luther's Student Educator Competency #6 is. What will matter is that I'll be making an incredible difference in children's lives, and hopefully having a lot of fun doing it.
Tswelela solofela,
Tom Bishoff
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